"Honey, I shrunk the pictures!"
If for some reason the Shrink-a-matic isn't working, try shrinking them at ShrinkPictures.com
Because images can be quite large, Hartford bookoo limits the size of 50 KB (that's
kilobytes, for the technically minded). If your image is bigger than that, you will
receive a related message. You will need to shrink the image to make it small enough to
post with your item.
Here's the solution to all of your image-posting problems.
- Check the size of your picture (must be less than 50KB) by either:
- Right-clicking on the image and viewing the "Properties,"
- Browsing to the picture in Windows Explorer, highlighting the
file, and looking at the info
- If the file is larger than 50 KB, you will need to "resize" your image in an
imaging program. Your digital camera came with software for downloading and editing your
images and will give you the ability to do this.
By default, your digital camera will take quite large pictures. You will want to shrink
the dimensions of your image. Maximum dimensions should be 480 pixels by 320 pixels (about
4" x 3"). This should make it less than 50 KB.
- Save the file and check the file size to make sure it is less than 50KB. If
not, repeat the above steps as needed.
- Here are some common image software and how to edit your picture:
- Still need help? If so, give us a holler and we'll
come to your rescue.
Canon ZoomBrowser
If you have ZoomBrowser, it's quite easy:
- Click [View & Modify] in the main window.
- Click [Export Images] in the next menu.
- In the Browsing Area, select images and click [Next].
You can select multiple images or a folder and have the images
in the folder included.
- Select an export option and click [Next]. (choose the
first one, Edit Images and Resave)
- Set the Export Settings
You will want to make the picture size 480x320 pixels or
320x240 pixels, and save as JPEG format. The window will
show you how big (in KB) the resulting files will be.
- Click [Finish]. This will export the image(s) to the place you specified on
the options page.
Microsoft Paint
If you have Microsoft XP or higher, you may be able to resize your images in Microsoft
Paint. (Start -> Programs -> Accessories). Once the image is open, select Image ->
Stretch/Skew and change the "Horizontal" and "Vertical" percentages to be an identical,
smaller number. Save the file as a new name (to avoid overwriting the original).
Nikon View
Nikon digital cameras can create large, high resolution images great for many uses. These images may be too large for emailing and using on web pages, however, they can easily be resized to work well for these applications. Follow these steps after shooting and transferring the images to your computer:
- In Nikon View Browser click the image you want to make smaller and then choose "Edit in Nikon Editor" from the Edit icon in the toolbar.
- Once the image opens in Nikon Editor choose "Tool Pallet 1" from the "View" menu.
- In the "General Adjustments" section click the "Image Size" button and use the pop-up menu to choose a size around 800x600 or so. This makes a nice full screen image for email. Click "Ok"
- Go to the "Edit" menu and choose "Save as" and give it a new name and tell it where to save. You can use the "Use Compression" pop-up menu to decide how much compression to use. The more compression the smaller the file, but the "worse" the quality.
The names and locations of these buttons may change slightly depending on which version of Nikon View you are using.